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The following is part of a Canadian Celiac Association survey where 1294 questionnaires (out of 1937 sent) were returned (82% biopsy proven). It lists various symptoms and misdiagnoses for celiac disease.

(1) When asked how many doctors they had consulted about their problem, 25% of 960 biopsy-proven respondents said one doctor, 29% two doctors, 17% three doctors, 12% four doctors, 6% five doctors, 6% six to 10 doctors, and 3% more than 10 doctors.

(2) Duration of symptoms experienced by biopsy-proven respondents before diagnosis of celiac disease:

                                      Std    Range*             Respondent
                    Median   Mean     Dev   Maximum   No. of     Pct. of
Symptom             (years) (years) (years) (years) Respondents  960 Total
-------             ------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ----------
Diarrhea              1.9     6.6    11.7     75        774        80.6%
Bloating              2.0     7.9    12.4     79        770        80.2
Fatigue or lethargy   2.0     7.9    12.6     79        688        71.7
Gas or belching       2.5     8.4    13.0     74        629        65.5
Abdominal pain        2.0     8.0    12.4     65        583        60.7
Nausea or vomiting    1.0     5.8    10.9     65        334        34.8
Lack of appetite      1.0     6.2    12.7     70        330        34.4
Headache or migraine 10.0    13.9    13.9     62        204        21.3
Skin rash (DH)        4.0    10.3    13.0     57        155        16.1

* minimum range is one month for all symptoms

(3) Diagnoses of diseases made before celiac disease was diagnosed:
                              Respondents (%)
                       Biopsy Proven   Not Biopsy Proven
Diagnosis                 (N=686)           (N=145)
---------              -------------   -----------------
Anemia                      47%               30%
Stress                      45                39
Nervous condition           41                39
Irritable bowel             34                43  
Stomach ulcer               23                14
Food allergy                19                32
Colitis                     13                23
Menstrual problems          13                17
Edema                        9                 8
Gallstones                   9                10
Diverticulitis               6                 9
Dermatitis Herpetiformis     4                 5
Other                       36                39
More complete results were published in their Spring 1993 newsletter. Reprints available from: Canadian Celiac Association