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Photo: 163, Album: Brooklyn Camera/Electronic Dealer StoreFronts
Camera Unlimited LLC, dba
3409 Avenue S, Marine Park
This is a mail box store that is now out of business. However, their 718 number reversed to this address. And this address was still on their web site after it closed. domain name has expired. The PhotoSweep site had this address buried in the text on the About us help page. The PhotoSweep contact page had the 1569 E. 8th St address. See close up of card on right shutter.
Camera Unlimited LLC, dba
2071 Flatbush Ave, Suite #191
This address found on's website, BBB and whois. Phone number on their site reversed to Camera Unlimited at 3409 Avenue S.
Camera Unlimited LLC, dba
1569 E. 8th St.
Address from whois and web site. Phone number reversed to this address under Camera Photo Inc, but no entity found under this name for NY State.

picture #163